Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Abandonment Issues

Please don't think I have them. I haven't abandoned this blog. I just have run smackdab into 1) my new full-time job, 2) a hectic holiday schedule, 3) digging out from 18 inches of new snow (okay, okay... actually Mr. Doughboy does the digging out; I watch from the window), 4) Doughnut Hole #6's pending return tomorrow from a 20-day trip to Europe, and 5) Doughnut Hole #3's pending return on December 22nd from two years in New Zealand.

So... I'll get back to this when things calm down. I've got a killer new recipe for Blueberry Dumplings to share with you, not to mention my holiday baking.

1 comment:

Suz said...

Hey girly,

I made a huge batch of pumpkin pie bars, for my family Christmas party. They were a so good! Everyone loved them


